EVENT: REI Tent Demo
6/21/2008 10:00 AM
Join REI camping experts and representatives from tent manufacturers for this on-site demo of our 2008 tents. This is a great opportunity to try out the tent you've been looking for.
Enter to Win! Sign up for gearmail at our Tent Demo and enter our sweeepstakes for an REI Tent.
Location: REI Portland - 405 parking lot, enter at NW 15th and Johnson
Contact: Customer Service, 503-221-1938
Cost: Free
Official Website: http://www.rei.com/stores/store_event_detail.jsp?pid=4C194C85057ADDB00CF661236CC11904&template_id=30&template_family=webDetail&ignore_cache=1
Added by multimodal on June 16, 2008