To celebrate the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council's 20th Anniversary, REI is sponsoring the REI Ridge Trail Service Day on Saturday November 15 to improve & maintain the Ridge Trail, raise awareness of the Council and encourage people to support our efforts to complete the trail.
A region-wide event, there will be volunteer work projects in all 9 Bay Area Counties. Each of the 9 Bay Area REI stores will be partnering with a local park agency, land trust or open space district to build, improve, or restore a section of the Ridge Trail. Refreshments & goodie bags from REI will be provided. Projects vary at each site. Please register in advance. To get more information on each project & to register,visit or call 415.561.2595.
The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council gratefully thanks REI for its support. A long-time partner of the Council, REI has supported the Council's work though grants, work days and trail events.
REI Ridge Trail Service Day Volunteer Projects Saturday November 15:
Marin: Indian Tree Open Space Preserve:
Sonoma: Hood Mountain Regional Park & Open Space Preserve
Napa: Skyline Wilderness Park
Solano: Lynch Canyon Open Space
Contra Costa: Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline
Alameda: Cull Canyon Recreational Area
Santa Clara: Sanborn County Park
San Mateo: Windy Hill Open Space Preserve
San Mateo: Sweeney Ridge, Golden Gate National Recreational Area
San Francisco: The Presidio
No charge.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 18, 2008