463 16th Ave.
San Francisco, California 94118

REI Circle is hosting its first real estate auction. Join us at this exciting event and experience the auction live!

Property Address:
463 16th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94118

Property Description:
Approx. 1900 sq ft fixer upper with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sunroom, 3 car garage,
large level backyard, formal dining room, living room, downstairs has huge storage that could be used for extra storage or additional bedroom. Visit www.reicircle.com or email event@reicircle.com for price and more details.

Auction Date:
Sun, Aug 30: 3pm at the property address. Pre-register to get your bidding packet at the Open House.

Open House:
Sat, August 22: 1-4pm
Sun, August 23: 1-4pm
Sat, August 29: 1-4pm
Sun, August 30: 1-3pm


Official Website: http://www.reicircle.com

Added by FullCalendar on August 24, 2009

Interested 1