Registration will open at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, August 17 for two Fall Sessions of art classes for children and adults at the Las Cruces Museum of Art. Class schedules and registration forms are available at the Museum and on the website The first fall session of classes will begin the week of September 6 and run through the week of October 18. The second session will begin the week of October 25 and end the week of December 13.
Classes for adults include ceramics, drawing, and several painting classes: acrylics, pastels, and classical oil painting. The Digital Photography program has been expanded to include introductory and intermediate/advanced digital photography and Photoshop The Museum is also pleased to offer weaving. Older teens are welcome to attend all adult classes.
Classes for young artists include Ceramics for ages 4 – 13, After-School Art Explorers, ages 6-9, and the Saturday Art Fiesta, a multi-media class for ages 6-9. Register early to reserve your place.
As of June 1, new gallery hours are 9 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Saturday. Office hours are Tuesday through Saturday 8 am to 5 pm. The Museum of Art is closed Sunday through Monday.
Funded by the City of Las Cruces. The Las Cruces Museum of Art is located at 491 N. Main Street at the north end of the downtown mall. For more information, call (575) 541-2137 or visit the website
Added by lcms on July 8, 2010