We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2009 Regional SharePoint Users Conference sponsored by the SharePoint Users Group of DC (SUGDC.ORG). The conference will be held onFriday and Saturday, June 26-27, 2009 at the Holiday Inn Washington Dulles Airport Hotel [MAP] in Dulles, Virginia.
Your peers on the Annual Program Committee are working hard to present you with yet another incredible program. You can expect to attend sessions on an array of topics at all skill levels. The subject matter covered will be in three tracks as last year.
Three Tracks...
Presentations will loosely be categorized under 3 headlines and aligned to roles listed.
SP Development and Design [SP Developers],
SP Administration [New and Experienced SP Administrators], and
SP Management and Governance [Business Unit Managers, Users, and SP Project Managers].
As always, there will be cross-pollination between and among tracks. You will be free to move between the rooms and there is no need to pre-select which sessions you want to attend.
For our out of town guests, the hotel is offering a special rate of only $89/night. You can Click Here to reserve a room or call them directly and mention Group Rate "SHP" .
If you have questions, please contact us at www.sugdc.org/contact
Organized by SharePoint Users Group of DCSUGDC
is an organization dedicated to providing education and informational resources for Microsoft Sharepoint and its related technologies. SUGDC was started in November 2005 as forum for all persons involved in SharePoint. This includes developers, designers, users, power users, administrators, managers recruiters and hiring managers, as well as the merely curious. It is our intention to provide resources for everyone to get help and information on the technology known as SharePoint
Ticket Info: - RSUC 09 Early Brid, $306.48
- RSUC 09, $384.38
Official Website: http://rsuc09-upcoming.eventbrite.com