Clinicworks, Inc. and Dr. Paul Schmitz (an Independent Authorized AVImark Trainer for almost 10 yrs) invite you to attend our 56th in a series of Regional Training Seminars for Avimark for Windows Users in San Antonio, TX on Fri,Apr 24th; Sat,Apr25th; and Sun, Apr26th, 2009. A full agenda is planned for this three day seminar! We highly recommend attending all 3days, for maximum understanding and benefit! Thisweekend training session, will coversome basic, intermediate and many of the advanced features of using AVImark. You will also be taught how to integrate other software and hardware into your systemand practice.This session will help improve your hospital's efficiency and should make you more $$! Think of this not just as computer training -- but as a course in hospital productivity. Because, despite its' relatively low purchase price, simplistic and easy to use graphical interface, AVImark Client-Server Edition has got some "real muscles" underneath the main screen now! It is extremely under-utilized bythe majority of those hospitals who own it. Many AVImark users are content simply to create invoices, print a few documents, run their monthly Reminders, print Reports at the end of the day...and that's about it. Sadly, these practice are really missing out on the power behind that familiar AVImark main screen (the CID)! This powerful and versatile software application is sometimes relegated to single-purpose functions.
This training will show attendees how to setup Avimark properly and use many of the new features in the just releasedAvimark Client-Server Version 2008", plus many features from versions 178, 179, 183 & 184. And depending on the release from McAllister Software Systems, we may be able to show you a "peek" at some of the newest features in a Spring '09 version upgrade and versionsto comedown the road!
"Open Discussion Time" will be held during the seminar, breaks, over lunch, in the evening on Fri or Sat night and at the close of the seminar each day (perfect for sharing ideas with other practices). Of course questions are welcome at anytime during the all day seminar as well.
8:00am - 8:30am - Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 12:30pm - Seminar & Training
12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch on Your Own
1:30pm - 5:30pm - Seminar & Training
Click onthis link for complete details on topics to be covered.
Some of the Topics to be covered: (see faxed or mailed flyer for complete details). Review of the Basic Functions, What Is Your Practice Missing, How are Your Backups, Using the Appointment Calendar the NEW Whiteboard Feature, Making the Most of the Boarding Calendar, Word Processing with AVImark, Recent Enhancements in the latest version, What's Coming in AVImark's next version, Drug Labels,Designing "More Stuff" (Additional Data Fields), Increase Efficiency and Capture Charges with AVImark Reminders, Whiteboard,Scanning, Photos & Digitizing of Paper Records, Attachments, Documents and Forms, Networking and Hardware, Treatment and Inventory Lists, Working with Estimates, The Follow-up List, The Q & A Area, Using the NEW SOAP (Medical Conditions) Record, Inventory Control,Users and Security, Time Clock,The Electronic Medical Record (or Paperless Practice), Reports & Accounting, How to Setup thenew Client-Server Edition, How to Setup Reminders for Patients on Blood Monitoring for Chronic Dsieases, How to Efficiently Generate Handouts for yourClients and document such in the medical record...and more!
Click onthis link for complete details on topics to be covered each day.
If there are any questions about what will be covered, and to check whether this seminar is right for your hospital...please check our web site at:
http://www.clinicworks.comanddo not hesitate to call or email...please ask before registering any hospital staff member or DVM. Computers are not provided for our classroom style training seminars, but feel free to bring your own laptop,tablet pc and Avimark manual if you like.
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your registration to any of our Seminars up to 10 days before the Seminar. Your registration will be refunded, less a $25.00 service charge, per person, per day canceled. If you need to cancel less than 5 days prior to the Seminar, you may: 1) send a substitute from your practice or 2) transfer your registration fee to another Clinicworks AVImark Seminar of your choice within 12 months. Sorry, checks are not accepted after the Early Bird Deadline.
Organized by Clinicworks, Inc.Paul M. Schmitz, DVM
Authorized AVImark Trainer & Veterinarian
cell phone: 918-605-7046
home/office: 918-259-9460
e-fax: 786-513-0369
Helping Clinics Grow Through Practical Informatics!
...Training, Software, Hardware, Networking and Total Integration
Ticket Info: - Hospital Staff or Veterinarian Single Day before 4/11/09, $150.00
- Hospital Staff or Veterinarian Two Days before 4/11/09, $300.00
- Hospital Staff or Veterinarian Three Days before 4/11/09, $375.00
- PAST DEADLINE: Hospital Staff or Veterinarian Single Day after 4/10/09, $200.00
- PAST DEADLINE: Hospital Staff or Veterinarian Two Days after 4/10/09, $350.00
- PAST DEADLINE: Hospital Staff or Veterinarian Three Days after 4/10/09, $425.00
Official Website: http://avimarktrainsanantonio-upcoming.eventbrite.com