*** Note: This lecture takes place in Sibley Auditorium in the UC Berkeley Bechtel Engineering Center. ***
Regents’ Lecturer Bill Buxton began his career in the computer music field and early on stressed the important role of human computer interaction in musical creation and performance. His work in music spread to graphics and, in fact, to the entire field of human computer interaction design.
Currently a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Buxton keeps his website up to date with biographical information as well as announcements of his speaking engagements. His recent book Sketching User Experiences published by Microsoft Press has received wide ranging critical acclaim. This work has been reviewed on BusinessWeek.com and strategy-business.com — the latter states that the book “has earned its spot as the best innovation book of this year.”
His many achievements include a Lifetime Achievement Award from ACM SIGCHI in 2008 and election as a Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) in 2009.
Official Website: http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/event/2010/02/09/regents_lecturer_bill_buxton_presents_multi_touch_interfaces_thei
Added by Wetzel on January 31, 2009