---------- Updated ----------
Due to a low RSVP response, June's event has been canceled. Hopefully more can join us at July's event. See you then.
Refresh Denver is a community of designers and developers working to refresh the creative, technical, and professional culture of Internet developers in the Denver Metro area.
Come meet others at this informal ‘happy hour’ gathering somewhere in the Denver Metro Area.
Speaking of a location, do you have any great locations in mind that you would like to suggest? Ideally, this place should have an actual ‘happy hour’ and allow under-aged people to participate in our gathering. Or better yet, know of a sponsor who would be willing to host the event with appetizers and drinks?
Also, please bring a stack of business cards to pass-out. In addition, bring a colleague or two as well as your topic idea’s for future gatherings.
Stay tuned.
Official Website: http://refreshdenver.org
Added by xybermatthew on June 11, 2007