675 Washington Road
Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania 15228

The third Refresh Pittsburgh meeting will be Wednesday, July 26 at 7pm at Aldo Coffee in Mount Lebanon. We’ll be coming together to talk about design and the latest trends in web development, as well as brainstorm where we want Refresh Pittsburgh to go. Come join us!

Official Website: http://www.refreshpittsburgh.org/

Added by billturner on July 19, 2006



I'm gonna have to sit this one out until next month. Our move to Pittsburgh last week and our first week or work is cathing up to us! If all goes well, my wife and I Should be attending the next meetup and also have a small project to present as well...


Looks like I'm going to have to miss it as well. It'll have to be next meeting, but I'm looking forward to meeting you all.