Presentation: Microformats presented by Scott Reynen
You've heard of microformats but what are they exactly? Why are they relevant on the web? Scott Reynen will answer these questions and provide examples of tools and sites using microformats.
Come with questions and conversation. Come early (6:30) to mingle with like-minded designers and developers, soak in a fresh presentation (7:00), and then stick around afterwards to share project stories.
What is Refresh Denver?
Refresh is a community of designers and developers working to refresh the creative, technical and professional aspects of new media endeavors in the Denver area. Do you feel like the web needs a new look? Interested in the latest web technologies? Care about design, but feel it must be usable? Then you've come to the right place.
Official Website:
Added by xybermatthew on October 3, 2007
Hi, I'm new to town and looking foward to meeting some local developers.
Just added a post-event gathering at the Helvetica Film
Perfecto! Hooray for Helvetica!
Thanks for the invite! Chat soon.
I'll be there (pending weather conditions don't turn sour).