Refresh Denver! Get your taxes in and get out!
Refresh Denver is coming up next week on Wednesday, April 15 at Forest Room 5, so mail those taxes in and come join us for community and a drink or two!
Jacob Parsell will talk on “Why Behave? - Behavior Driven Development (BDD) using Cucumber and RSpec”. He’ll talk to TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD as well as show us a bit about Cucumber and RSpec. Jake is a senior developer at Redsson which services clients with automated document processing solutions. He develops mostly in Ruby and has also written several Rails apps. Follow @jakep36 on both Twitter and Brightkite.
After Jake, the show is yours! What have you done lately that’s interesting? What’s cool in the web world today? What do you want to see from Refresh in coming months?
We’re still exploring venue options for the upcoming summer months and always interested to see what you are doing in the web these days.
See you there!
Official Website:
Added by jetfiredesign on December 20, 2008