Flash has no place in a web standards toolkit. Or does it? Dan Mall, the Interactive Director at Happy Cog, will demonstrate how Flash can be used to to enhance a user's experience, why it can be successful, and how to make a case for it. We'll be meeting on our normal night (Same Bat Time), but at a new venue downtown (New Bat Channel) -- hope you'll all be able to make it out!
Official Website: http://refresh-dc.org/
Added by whafro on May 15, 2008
Happy what?!?
Just kidding...
I'll be there and am looking forward to this topic.
Thanks for finding a spot downtown (that just happens to sell 300+ types of beer).
Ah damn, I was loving the Arlington thing.
Melissa: you know what they say about pleasing all of the people all of the time ;) I'm sure it'll make it back to Arlington soon enough
I'll miss the 10 minute metro ride to Arlington as well, but won't miss the long walk to the bar. see you all there!
Dan Mall ... nice! I am looking forward to this one.
can't wait. short walk, for me.
Looking forward to it!
HOT! I'm there.
yeay, down town! will be there.
Woo! I'm looking for to this.
Also, love that it's in DC
This will be my first RefreshDC, but I'm looking forward to it!!
Oooh it's my first too! Luckily, I hear there will be booze :)
soooo jealous i won't be there.
i am getting a little excited over here ... refresh makes third thursdays amazing.
Trying to make it.
Can't wait for this... and also they just tapped a new cask or real beer! Yay
There are myths about FLASH? Say it ain't so! I love design focussed Refresh Events.