REDCAT and CalArts Present the Festival of Contemporary Dutch Music
Los Angeles Premiere
November 14-16, 2008
This weekend festival is devoted to the work of some of today’s brightest Dutch composers. The CalArts New Century Players will be performing works by Michel van der Aa, Antoine Beuger, Dante Boon, Rozalie Hirs, Theo Loevendie, Christina Oorebeek, Edward Top, Matijs de Roo, Joey Roukens, Giel Vleggaar, Peter-Jan Wagemans, and Robert Zuidam. The California E.A.R. Unit follows with an early Sunday evening concert, featuring pieces by Yannis Kyriakides, Mayke Nas, Martijn Padding, Jacob ter Veldhuis and Diderick Wagenaar.
November 14th-15, 8:30pm
CalArts New Century Players
November 16th, 7:00pm
The California E.A.R. Unit
Official Website:
Added by caseythomasanderson on November 11, 2008