161 N Mill St
Lexington, Kentucky 40507

10/05/2011 at 7 pm
Bloodroots Barter is unpolished and unpainted, left rough to remind us that in Kentucky's hills live sturdy folks with simple needs. Here's what it is -- uncelebrated tradition wrapped in non-traditional grittiness. CASEY PAPENDIECK-Lead and harmony vocals, Mandolin, Tenor Banjo, Guitar, Kazoo;
LAURA GREGORY -Lead and Harmony Vocals, Bass, Accordion, Washboard, tenor banjo, tambourine, spoons, kazoo; TYLER EMERY -Lead and Harmony Vocals, Guitar, Tenor Banjo, Mandolin, Bass; ISHI WOOTON-Lead and Harmony Vocals, Fiddle, doghouse bass, tenor banjo.
ArtsPlace, 161 N. Mill St., Lexington, KY 40507

Added by kentuckysongwriter on October 1, 2011

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