Gone are the days when the primary function of HR was to generate employee policies and enforce employment law. Today, HR is expected to maintain and recruit a pipeline of human capital that will meet the organization's present and future needs. Yet, the selection process used by most organizations delivers an average mis-hire rate of 40%.
Candidates are selected because of their hard skills - experience, technical competence, aptitude, but most fail because of their soft skills - leadership and management practices that include a variety of interpersonal abilities. The soft skills are actually the hard skills: hard to find, hard to acquire, hard to execute, and hard to assess.
Discover how to recruit more effectively, select more accurately and develop more efficiently. Specifically, you'll identify:
Job specs to be included in all recruitments
Top 10 hiring errors and how to avoid them
Best ways to get the most value from each professional-development dollar
About the Presenters
Dr. Philip Berghausen is the Executive Director of the Center for Executive Solutions, and Dr. Andrew Winzelberg is the Director. The Center for Executive Solutions,CES, brings together a diverse team of experts in the behavioral sciences and business management to provide solutions to a wide range of executive challenges. We help our clients achieve excellence by enhancing performance at the individual, team, and organizational levels, providing more than 30 services. If a client's needs involve the performance of organizations and the people in them, CES can meet them.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on August 31, 2011