4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

EcoTrackers: Erase Waste
EcoTracker classes inspire young naturalists with hands-on, engaging activities about a nature topic each month. This spring, EcoTrackers students will learn to become Eco Kids! In March’s class children will learn all about recycling: from what items can be recycled to how the process works. Students will get to make their own piece of recycled paper.

A bustling schedule of year round activities and courses are available for adults, children and families to create a sense of wonder and appreciation for nature. For more information, call 713-681-8433 or visit www.houstonarboretum.org. The Houston Arboretum & Nature Center is located at 4501 Woodway Drive, Houston, Texas 77004. Become a fan of The Houston Arboretum on Facebook here: http://tinyurl.com/yc4qhgp. For more information about great classes and events in Houston, visit www.ltbaehr.com.

Added by LBPR on March 1, 2010