During the 1940s, the U.S. government produced or commissioned hundreds of short films to support the war effort. Many were overseen by various branches of the military, but the government also sought the help of the Hollywood studios.
These short films delivered news from the front, instructed soldiers facing combat, warned of enemy espionage, and promoted preparedness among civilians at home. Today they provide both entertainment and a moving reminder of the stark contrast between the level of sacrifice and commitment asked of American citizens then and now. The program includes Letter from Bataan (1942), Safeguarding Military Secrets (1942), and What to Do in a Gas Attack (1943), among others. (appox. 100 mins., 16mm)
Organized by Tim Lanza, Douris UK Ltd.
Official Website: http://www.wexarts.org/fv/index.php?eventid=3423
Added by Wexner Center on October 3, 2008