312 Sutter St.
San Francisco, California

Join the Consul General of France & mingle with other Francophones while sampling savory food prepared by a local French restaurant.

Following this, Pierre-François Mourier, the French Consul General in San Francisco will address members of our long-running French Dinner Group, as well as other interested Francophones, at this special soiree.

Everyone comfortable with spoken French is welcomed to this event sponsored by the Young Professionals of the World Affairs Council, a SF non profit dedicated to international affairs, business, discussion & fun since 1947. Join us.

The spoken language at this event is French at the advanced and intermediate level, with many native speakers also expected. Tous ceux qui parlent le français sont bienvenus!

Date: Wednesday 3/19/2008

Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Register @: www.itsyourworld.org

Cost: $15 WAC members, $25 Non members

Location: World Affairs Council Auditorium
312 Sutter Street , Second Floor
San Francisco, California 94108

Contact: Vanessa 510.703.0173 ness94610@yahoo.com

Added by vah on March 4, 2008

Interested 1