76 Eldridge St
Newton, Massachusetts 02458

Join us for food, wine, music and a free flowing discussion with an extraordinary panel of speakers!

We will be celebrating Boston University's first tenured female Psychology Professor Freda Rebelskys 75th birthday!

An activist since age three, Freda and her lifelong commitment to change are honored by friends Howard Zinn and Margaret Burnham.

The program will open with the speakers, followed by an open discussion and a reception.

The celebration will benefit both Community Change, Inc. and Boston Mobilization, two grassroots organizations of which Freda is a board member.

Margaret A. Burnham, civil rights, human rights lawyer, Associate Professor of Law at Northeastern, first African American woman judge of the Boston Municipal Court and founding partner of Boston's first law firm headed by African American women.

Howard Zinn, historian, anti-war and civil rights activist. Among his classic works are A People's History of the United States and You Can't Be Neutral On a Moving Train

To reserve your space or to make a contribution, please make your tax-deductible checks payable to:
Rebel Sky Tribute
30 Bow Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

For special hotel rates, directions (please don't call the church), or anything else you might need contact: Boston Mobilization at (617) 492 8899 or Community Change, Inc. at 617-523-0555

For information about Boston Mobilization, visit http://www.bostonmobilization.org

For information about Community Change, visit:http://www.communitychangeinc.org

Added by bostonmobe on March 1, 2006