Join MTV's Kurt Loder, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano, former House Majority Leader Rep. Dick Armey, Nobel laureate Vernon Smith, and many more great speakers in October when Reason Foundation, the nonprofit publisher of reason and reason online, brings its unique "Free Minds and Free Markets" approach to public policy to the nation's capital.
Magazine and foundation staffers Nick Gillespie, Ronald Bailey, Jacob Sullum, Radley Balko, Robert W. Poole Jr., Adrian Moore, David Nott, and others will also be speaking.
Former reasoner Matt Welch will be on hand to discuss his great new book, McCain: The Myth of a Maverick.
The event is co-sponsored by The Donald and Paula Smith Family Foundation and will take place the D.C. Ritz Carlton.
It begins with lunch on Friday, October 26 and concludes Saturday night at Reason's new Washington office with the D.C. launch party of the Drew Carey Project--our upcoming videojournalism series starring Drew Carey.
Cost: $500
Official Website:
Added by infojunkie on October 13, 2007