München, Bavaria

The combination of the Convention over Configuration and Dependency Injection principles drastically simplifies the Java EE 6 development model. This workshop covers the approach for building lean, but still maintainable and scalable applications from nothing but plain Java EE 6 technology. A (rich) JPA 2.0 domain object can be annotated with JSR-303 (Bean Validation) for validation purposes. EJB 3.1 Stateless/Stateful Session Beans provide the transaction management, remoting (JAX-RS/REST) and concurrency. JSR-299 (CDI) enables the direct exposure to the JSF 2 view and extension points, as well as aspects. Interestingly, such minimalistic architecture still remains extensible and testable. This seminar will discuss best practice and will be illustrated with deployable code, developed during the session.

Official Website: http://education.oracle.com/pls/web_prod-plq-dad/db_pages.getCourseDesc?dc=D70365_1433077&p_org_id=34&lang=D

Added by andreea vaduva on February 27, 2012