665 Mainstream Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37228

A frank luncheon and panel discussion:
What the future holds for consumers, small businesses, local and state government

BETTY NIXON, Community Activist
JERRY MAYNARD, Metro Councilman-at-Large
JOANNE NORTH, former Tax Assessor
BETH HARWELL, Representative
and others

Join us for an exciting Women At The Table of Power!

These are challenging times not only for our country as a whole, but most importantly for every U.S. citizen. The far-reaching effects of the ills on Wall Street are definitely hitting hard on Main Street where most Americans live and work.

In this compelling luncheon and frank discussion, panelists from our local government will be there to explain in plain terms every aspect of the current economy and other relevant topics that affect consumers, small businesses, and our local and state government.

You won't want to miss this opportunity to ask your questions and get a full understanding of exactly how the current state of affairs in our world and in our country affect YOU!

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/200418457

Added by eventbrite events on October 29, 2008

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