1133 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E3T3

JREI hosts its 16th annual full-day conference on successfully maneuvering through the crest and mire of the Real Estate market. This year will be even better. Real estate specialists, developers, pundits and players, will all share their secrets with you. Don't miss this opportunity to learn where to buy, what to buy and how to make money in 2009! The first 15 events were Sold Right Out.

Don't delay: seating is limited.

Call Marc (604.683.1111) for subscriber discount for booth display. (Discount available only until August 25.)

By setting up a booth, you can be part of the excitement. Profitable excitement! Special Event Marketing is one of the most powerful sales tools ever created.

By participating in a special event, you know exactly what you’re getting. You meet your prospective clients face-to-face. Literally. People who attend our seminars want to be there. They’re paying to be there and they have a vested interest to get the maximum amount of information they can access. By being right there with them, you can give them this extra information. If you can give them the solutions, they will want to deal with you. As a target audience, they’re solid. All the more reason you and your company should be represented visibly at this seminar as a sponsor.

Special-event marketing works. No waste, no time lags, no wondering whether you’re really targeting and reaching the right clientele. Quality exposure to quality prospects.

Here is your company’s chance to promote and showcase your products and services.

* Spectacular venue located in the heart of Vancouver
* Sponsorship opportunities available so you could get in on the action!
* All sponsors booked by Sept. 10, 2008 will be extensively advertised in Jurock’s Facts by Email and Jurock’s Real Estate Insider Newsletter as well as featured on Jurock.com and as well as in a number of other publications.
* Don’t miss out! Booth preference is on a first-come-first-serve basis so ACT NOW for the best booth location.

For more information on the Real Estate Outlook 2009 conference, please contact Vanessa – 604.568.0088 vanessa@jurock.com

Official Website: http://www2.jurock.com/insider/seminars/re_outlook_2009.asp

Added by ozziejurock on August 21, 2008

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