1001 Page Mill
Palo Alto, California 94304

Should I buy a home in Silicon Valley?

Good question given the high cost of home ownership in Silicon Valley and the uncertainty about the economy.
In order to answer this and many other questions, one has to understand all the issues associated with making this decision. For an in depth analysis and an honest discussion of each one of these key questions, join me at my next Silicon Valley home Buyers seminar on February 27th, from 1:20PM-4:15PM
Seminar Agenda:
• How and why the market bubble burst and the missed warning signals
• Eight important questions to ask yourself before you buy
• Weighing the tangibles/intangibles and pluses/minuses of home ownership
• Where-and when-to look for the home that's right for you
• How to determine when it's a good time to buy
• A close-up analysis of the current market in Silicon Valley
• Five reasons why you should not buy a home in Silicon Valley
• The home buying process, step by step
• What you need to know about loans and escrow
• What to look for in choosing your home buying team
Room seating is limited, to register go to http://www.650and408homes.com/silicon_valley_home_buyer_seminar.html

Avi Urban

the One Stop Realtor for busy professionals
Silicon Valley homes and investments nationwide

DRE license: 01485729

Keller Williams Realty

Official Website: http://www.650and408homes.com/silicon_valley_home_buyer_seminar.html

Added by uri2naomi on February 11, 2011