Research shows that the number of different words a baby hears each day is the single most important predictor of later intelligence, school success and social competence.
Reading with Babies, Toddlers and Twos is a fun, interactive guide for parents on what to read, when to read and how to read to children ages zero to three?answering all of the questions of parents, expectant parents and grandparents who wander through the bookstore scanning the shelves.
About the Author: Susan Straub is the founder of the Read To Me program, a workshop program that can be found in six states which encourages young families to read to their babies. Ms. Straub's work with Read To Me has been celebrated on NY1 television and in Oprah's O magazine. She lives in New York City, New York.
KJ Dell'Antonia is an attorney turned writer whose work has recently appeared in Mothering, Time Out New York Eating and Drinking Guide, and The Legal Times. She lives in Hanover, New Hampshire with her husband and three young children.
Added by glee on April 25, 2006