18 Little West 12th Street
New York, New York 10014

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Raza is a Spanish Language phrase which, while literally translated as 'race', is more often used as a synonym of "el pueblo" or "la gente", both of which mean "the people". It is used to denote the people of Latin America who share the cultural and political legacies of Spanish colonialism. Often, the term "La Raza" also encompasses a racial significance associated with "mestizaje" or race-mixing.

Beginning in about the 1960's, ethnically-based political movements for civil rights made use of the term "La Raza" to distinguish Spanish speakers and Latin Americans from Anglo and other White Americans and to break down the national and generational barriers between the various segments of the Latino population.


Official Website: http://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/RAZANYC

Added by muzikbutrfly on September 26, 2006