1545 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Langdell Hall, North Classroom
Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

Leading inventor Ray Kurzweil was the principal developer of the first CCD flat-bed scanner, the first omni-font optical character recognition, the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind, the first text-to-speech synthesizer, the first music synthesizer capable of recreating the grand piano and other orchestral instruments, and the first commercially marketed large-vocabulary speech recognition. His latest book, The Singularity is Near, was a New York Times best seller.

Ray's talk will outline his vision of the future near at hand, where "Intelligence will Underlie Everything of Value." He predicts that "Intelligent nanorobots will be deeply integrated in the environment, our bodies and our brains, providing vastly extended longevity, full-immersion virtual reality incorporating all of the senses, experience 'beaming,' and enhanced human intelligence." Ray will also be demonstrating the Kurzweil-National Federation of the Blind Reader -- a hand held reading device for the blind.

Official Website: http://jolt.law.harvard.edu/

Added by Hybernaut on October 26, 2006



Does anyone know if this is open to the public?


I believe this event is open to the public.
If you want more concrete confirmation, contact the Berkman Events Coordinator at rsvp@cyber.law.harvard.edu