Gourmet Non-Cooking Classes
Dear Friend,
My resources and tools can help you prepare and eat delicious REAL foods — fresh, organic, vegetarian, and mostly raw — the food your body was designed to digest best. I offer group classes, food boxes, products, and private chef services. To get you started, I invite you to check out my Forget Cooking! classes listed here.
With blessings of radiant health, Chef Cynthia Nirel Chico
In this beginner’s class, you will learn the basics for creating delicious raw foods that will heal the body and cleanse the soul. Presentations will show you how to create a variety of delicious, easy-to-prepare raw recipes. You will learn sprouting techniques and how to use equipment and supplies for a raw kitchen.
• Chocolate Mousse
• Mediterranean Kale Salad
• Almond Milk
• Cream of Zucchini Soup
• Not Tuna Pâté
• Zucchini Noodles Marinara
Visit www.UnforgettableChocolate.com
Sundays 2:00pm-5:00pm: Sept 23, Oct 14
$65 per class or $55 if paid 2 weeks prior to class
Inner Metamorphosis University
1418 W Howard St at Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60626
Register: Required
Contact: Nirel Chico at (773) 732-6735
Added by Lake Side Cafe on August 22, 2012