This year the cunning and spry wee leprechauns have taken great measures to hide their pot of gold (who can blame them in this economy?) The miniature mischief makers have added the extra security of coded clues and riddles to keep the mystery of the treasure's location safe. Luckily for you, Ravenchase is here to help you outwit the felons of the four-leaf clover. Clues will take you in and out of some of DuPont's best bars and dives and around many of its famous landmarks and institutions as you race from point to point. As a game designed by for high functioning drinkers, it's a fabulous way to celebrate our favorite saint.
Drinks, good cheer and tales of glory await you upon your successful completion of the challenge laid before you by these magical green gremlins. Think you have the wit and luck o' the Irish to best the leprechauns and find the fabled treasure? Rally your team and register now!
Official Website:
Added by Stephen Czarda on February 24, 2012