2127 Grand Blvd
Holiday, Florida 34690

Boot Camp is a fun and interactive way to learn more about
the different aspects of computers,technology, multimedia, gaming and more. Join us on June 12th for the following
hands-on activities:

• Create a Rasmussen T-shirt design
• Retouch your images using PhotoShop
• Supe up your PC
• And much more!

DATE June 12, 2010

TIME 11:00am - 1:00pm

PLACE Pasco County Campus
2127 Grand Blvd
Holiday, FL 34690
(727) 942-0069

Visit us on the web for more information about our online IT degrees and our online design degrees.

Official Website: http://www.rasmussen.edu/

Added by Rasmussen College on May 25, 2010

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