Rashomon - Film (1950). Directed by: Akira Kurosawa. In the 10th century, a samurai travelling through the countryside is found stabbed to death. During court proceedings dealing with a robber suspect, Tajomaru, he claims, 'I was attracted by the beauty of the wife of the dead samurai and fooled the samurai into being tied up with ropes and went on to rape his wife; but his wife pleaded with me to duel with her husband and I won in a fair fight. His wife fled during this duel.' But the wife, Masago, states, 'I was raped and wished to die. I requested my husband to put me to death, but he only laughed at me. I was so enraged that I stabbed my husband and attempt to stab myself to death also but failed. The robber stole my husband's sword and fled from the scene.' The soul of the deceased samurai, Kanazawa Takehiro, called out by a spiritualistic medium states, 'The robber invited my wife to flee with him and my wife consented but urged the robber to stab me. While I was arguing with the robber, my wife fled from the scene. The robber cut the ropes that bound me and left, so I stabbed myself to death with my wife's dagger.' All these statements were made to defend the honor and dignity of the persons testifying and no one can judge which is the truth. This masterpiece by Akira Kurosawa won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1951. In 1953, it won the Honorary Award at the 24th Academy Awards as well as Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures at the Directors Guild of America. As part of Japan Film Festival.
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Added by buzzintown india on August 10, 2009