P.O. Box 3036
Taos, New Mexico 87571

Note: Staff by invitation only - Students call for space availability

RET Certification Daily Schedule

Thursday: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Course Expectations and Information

Click here for RET course syllabus

There are no prerequisites other than the home study course for certification. Sessions are not required, but we strongly recommend them. As you practice with the home study DVDs you may bring up your own issues. We suggest you do your home study program while you are doing your RET sessions. In this way, you will effectively deal with your issues and you will get the body learning or the experience of RET you are learning in the home study course.

RET Certification is part of your RET home study course. To register for the home study portion of your RET course, you must first complete the Enrollment Form, sign it, and return it to the Rapid Eye Institute. We must have your enrollment form before materials are sent out. Allow 5-10 days in the US for your course to reach you. Your home study course comes by priority mail with return receipt. Check with your post office if you do not get your material within 5-10 days.

Upon receiving your signed registration, we will assign you an advisor. You may call the Institute most any morning with questions.

During the on-campus Certification, students process other students while staff and trainers are there to answer questions. Students are taken through the RET skills in a 12 session program.

You will receive 26 credit hours for your home study course practice with the RET techniques and processes and is required for certification. You receive 26 more credit hours when you attend the RET Certification. That leaves you 48 more hours of practicum work after certification for a total of 100 hours to receive your RET Certificate.

Make travel plans early and notify the Institute. Dress casually, bring your wand, eye patch, Skills for Life Teachers Manual, covered water bottle, logged hours, and Quiz at the end of unit E to the RET Certification orientation meeting.

Invite your technician to staff at your certification. Call Ranae at 503-399-1181 with any questions or special issues.

1. You may return to staff or go through again as a new student for $25. Returning technicians serving as staff will receive 26 credit hours toward required continuing education for annual certificate renewal each time they attend a RET Certification.

2.To arrange for pre-Certification RET sessions go to the Rapid Eye Directory to find a technician in your area or call the Rapid Eye Institute.


Click here for other workshops sponsored or recommended by the Rapid Eye Institute.

Official Website: http://www.rapideyetechnology.com

Added by jbennette on February 9, 2007