Ladies and Gentlemen:
This Friday, July 6 at 2 Kolegas (in the Drive-In theatre east of the Kempinski), an unprecendented chance to see a fraction of RandomK(e): Minus our multi-instrumentalist/machinist Jackson Garland, we Three Remaining Members unleash our blend of rawk pre-, post- and current; atmospheric soundscapes; and mind-altering good times. We're playing with Micang, a blues-rock outfit. Show is free and starts at 9.30.
Hope you can make it out, and pass the word...
星期五晚上有一个非常特别的机会: 我的乐队,RandomK(e) (我们也被叫做《乱》乐队)要在两个好朋友(汽车电影院里)演出。我们乐队的许多乐器受Jackson不再可是《乱》乐队的四分之三的人都会带来我们自己的摇滚风格:把后、前、现代摇滚和实验、氛围、即兴的方面农在一起创造一个只能叫《乱》乐队的音乐。免门票!九点开始!我们跟弥藏(布鲁斯/摇滚)一起演。
Official Website:
Added by Azchael on July 5, 2007