Once relegated to low-priced instant food status, ramen has become a distinguished, sought after Japanese comfort food throughout America and especially in New York City, where dozens of prestigious ramen noodle restaurants serve a wide variety of flavors to a diverse audience. In 'Ramen Rules New York,' Shinyokohama Ramen Museum's Masahiro Nakano and Serious Eats' J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, explore how this Japanese staple has gained traction outside Japan and discuss the future for New York's noodle lovers. Moderated by Time Out New York's Food & Drink editor Jordana Rothman, the discussion will be followed by a tasting, supported by the Japanese Culinary Center, in which participants can taste the difference between soy and miso based soups and discover how noodle thickness influences flavor.
Added by Upcoming Robot on February 2, 2011