227 Maple Ave E
Vienna, Virginia 22180

These days there may be lots of rockers making kid-friendly records, but there's only one Ralph Covert, an irrepressibly enthusiastic performer who rocks just as hard for kids as he does for grown-ups. Perma-grin on his face, lime-green Chuck Taylors on his feet-even at the Grammies! -his traveling circus of catchiness known as Ralph's World is equally loved by cool-seeking parents as it is by children, fortunate to be living in an era where their music both rocks and respects their intelligence and curiosity.

Look no further than The New York Times, which said, in a front-page Arts section story, "It is possible that Mr. Covert will turn out to be [the] genre's Elvis Presley, or at the very least its Elvis Costello."


Official Website: http://www.jamminjava.com

Added by Jammin Java on February 1, 2009