Ralphie May
with Special Guests
November 4 at 8pm
May contain adult material
Presented by Icon Concerts Ralphie May's popularity exploded after the success of NBC's hit reality series, Last Com ic Standing. Known for his hip-hop brand of comedy, Ralphie loves to rail about the Hollywood bias against overweight people. He talks about the time he auditioned for the role of a fat person, only to be told he was too overweight. “Too fat to play fat?” Ralphie's use of Ebonics and quick wit has earned him roles in such urban films as For Da Love Of Money and Gas . He's gained notoriety from being an equal-opportunity offender with a political incorrectness and plain-spoken truth-telling in his routines that is reminiscent of rap.
For tickets call 707.546.3600 (noon-6pm Tue-Sat) Online: wellsfargocenterarts.org
Hwy 101 to River Road , Santa Rosa, California A Community Supported Non-Profit Arts Organization
Official Website: http://wellsfargocenterarts.org/docs/events/shows/1107_ralphie-may.html?utm_source=yahooup&utm_medium=yahooup&utm_content=ralphiemay&utm_campaign=linelist
Added by wellsfargoarts on October 18, 2007