31 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario M5S1A1

The Health Studies Program
Tommy Douglas
Distinguished Speakers Series

RALPH NADER, with introductions by Shirley Douglas, OC.
Publicly Funded Health Care and Its Preservation in Canada

Friday January 30th, 2009 from 7:00pm – 9:30pm

Convocation Hall, 31 Kings College Circle
Fundraising Reception from 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Book Signing to take place after the talk.

Advance Tickets can be bought Online at

or at
Women's Book Store 73 Harbord Street, Toronto

For any other questions, please contact us at info@bringbacktommy.ca or 647-501-1954

This event will launch a grass-roots campaign in the Health Studies Program at University College, University of Toronto that will honour the ideas of the "Greatest Canadian", Tommy Douglas, and commemorate the introduction of universal, publicly-funded health care in 1962 in Saskatchewan. Rooted in social justice and human rights, your support will ensure that the Health Studies Program will continue to provide a multidisciplinary foundation of social and health sciences, research and critical political science to inform and train the next generation of engaged citizens committed to preserving and extending public health care, ending inequalities in Canada that produce ill-health and defending the universal human right to well-being.

Please vist our website at www.bringbacktommy.ca.

Official Website: http://bringbacktommy.ca

Added by Melody Khodaverdian on January 9, 2009