Iran's Revolutionary Guards and extra-judicial paramilitary, Basij,in effect implemented a soft coup in Iran on June 12, 2009 through falsification and misrepresentation of Iran's presidential election results. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a former Revolutionary Guard, who has through his life kept his ties with that organization, came to power for a second-term through a clearly fraud-ridden election on June 12.
This is the second military coup in Iran, the first having occurred on August 19, 1953.
Iranian masses rose to protest the manipulation of the election outcome and demanded both a full recount as well as another election, but both this time under supervision of legal observers from United Nations. Iran's Supreme Leader denied both demands and the peaceful protesters were subjected to severe crackdown, leading to the death of some 20 protesters in the streets of Tehran at the hands of the Basij forces and another 40 losing their lives under brutal medieval torture in either Block 209 of Evin Prison or at Kahrizak Holding Center.
برای دفاع از مردم کشورمان، برای اعتراض به کشتار و سرکوب ها، برای دفاع از حق بيان و حقوق شهروندی، ما نيز بايد در اين کارزار، مخالفت خود را با آن چه که بر مردم ايران می رود اعلام کنيم ما، گروهی ازافراد مستقل با نقطه نظرات گوناگون، از همه هموطنان دعوت می کنيم که در راهپیمایی اعتراضی ما مشترک فعالانه شرکت کنند تا بتوانيم همبستگی خود را با مردم کشورمان اعلام کرده و تا حد توان خود فرياد اعتراضمان به سرکوب مردم ايران را بازتاب دهيم
Added by Mehdi_Sharif on August 9, 2009