800 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, Alberta

"Measured Response": Mr.Harper Does Not Speak For Canadians!

Canada is one of few countries in the world, who has publicly supported the military attacks by Israel on Gaza and Lebanon. These aggressive attacks have caused numerous deaths of Jewish and Palestinian civilians -men, woman and and have destroyed infrastructure such as water treatment and electrical facilities, roads, bridges, homes and airports and much more.

Seven Canadian citizens have also been killed in Lebanon. Mr Harper has said that Israel's attack on Lebanon, bombing the airport and civilian infrastructures and neighbourhoods, is a "Measured Response" to the kidnapping of 2 Israeli soldiers allegedly kidnapped by Hizbollah last week.

As citizens of Canada we are outraged and appalled that a representative of Canada could make such a statement. Statements such as this, are not helpful or effective in bringing the conflict to an end, but rather only add more fuel to the fire.

Join us for a rally as citizens of Calgary speak out against Mr. Harpers support of war in the Middle east. It is time to pressure this government to work at bringing this conflict to an end before any more innocent civilians lives are destroyed.

Please bring your own banners and posters.

This event is organized by CANDIL (Canada, Democracy and International Law), MAC (Muslim Association of Calgary)

For more information:
or 270-9669

For more information on the lead up to this conflict and what is taking place on the ground now go to:

Added by Grant Neufeld on July 17, 2006

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