The local Equal Voice chapter is holding "sign waving" rallies to promote women in politics.
The rallies are being held twice daily, on:
Wednesday, January 18
Friday, January 20
Monday, January 23
Morning rallies are from 7:30am-8:30am at the NorthEast corner of 9 Avenue SW and 11 Street SW.
Afternoon rallies are from 4pm-6pm at the NorthWest corner 6 Avenue SW and 11 Street SW (across from Telus Science Center).
Please confirm with the contact person if you can make it. If not enough people RSVP for an individual rally it'll be cancelled. (Wednesday morning's is confirmed - so feel free to just show up.)
Janice Kinch
589-6627 / 270-2057
or Frances Wright, 245-6453
Added by Grant Neufeld on January 17, 2006