cosponsored by Direct Action to Stop the War, Greenaction, West County Toxics Coalition, Amazon Watch, Richmond Progressive Alliance, Richmond Greens, Community Health Initiative and Communities for a Better Environment.
11am Rally at Judge G. Carroll Park
W. Cutting Blvd & S. Garrard Blvd, Richmond
1pm Nonviolent Direct Action at Chevron Refinery
841 Chevron Way, Richmond
(Ongoing shuttle buses from Richmond BART)
The purpose of this action is shut the Chevron refinery down for the day, and to support community efforts to stop Chevron from expanding its refinery, which will increase pollution and cause asthma, cancer and rising death rates in surrounding communities. Chevron is driving the war and occupation in Iraq, refining over a million barrels of stolen Iraqi oil in Richmond a month, and actively lobbying for the privatization of Iraq's oil fields so companies like Chevron can seize control of them. Join us, and help send a clear message to Chevron: Stop stealing Iraqi oil, and stop polluting our communities!
We will shut down the Richmond Chevron refinery by land, by bike, and by sea. We’re asking that you form an affinity group, and help us shut down Chevron. Here’s some ways you can plug in and help out:
1. Get together with a group of your friends, and help blockade the refinery (please check in with the Chevron working group if you want to do this –
their email address is dasw.chevron [at]
2. Join the “bike brigade,” and help us block trucks from getting into the facility.
3. If you have a boat, you can join the “DASW Yacht Club,” and try to block Chevron tankers from accessing the facility!
4. If these options don’t sound appealing to you, there are many, many other important roles you can play in this action. Please come to the next
Chevron organizing meeting (check website for details).
5. If helping organize this action isn’t something you have time for, you can just show up at Carroll Park (W. Cutting Blvd. and S. Garrard Blvd.
in Richmond) on March 15th, at 11am. And please tell your friends!
Direct Action to Stop the War
takedirectaction [at]
(510) 984-2566
Official Website:
Added by antiprocon on February 23, 2008
You know, as a resident here in Point Richmond, I can appreciate the event and repect the opinion of those protesting, however, I cannot condone the mess you left. The streets were lined with dozens of cars, some so old I can only imagine the low gas mileage they get. One suburban smoked me out! The garbage that blew around town during your protest was rediculous. We had to pick up papers and wrappers from around the park and down the street that the wind blew onto our yard.
Also - the dress code of the activists does not even lend a "green" person like me to take your efforts seriously. Pink Dr. Seuss hats and big marching band drums seem a little too "Jesus Christ Superstar" for me.
Please do not let me rain on your parade. I applaud your efforts and Chevron needs to do more environmentally.
And yes - the war is bad. I blame Bush more than I blame Chevron. But alas, we are all allowed to have our opinion and to voice our free speech.
I hope you honor my free speech, allow this to post to stay, and do something more mature next time to gain more public support from the immediate community. You could have had a great deal more respect if you had a "clean and litter free" event.
Thank you!