Jan 26, 7-8:30 p.m.
Your energetic field can attract or repel, so how do you make sure your vibration attracts what you want in life? This workshop teaches six practical ways to shift your energetic field to improve your mood, outlook and health. Better your circumstances by moving beyond long-standing emotional blocks and negative thinking learning these simple practices to upgrade your consciousness.
Colby Wilk, MA
Originally a counselor/coach, Colby recognized that there was a power beyond traditional therapeutic methods that could shift what seemed unchangeable - the very core of a person. Through spiritual healing, Colby teaches participants to create a powerful, magical relationship to themselves and to life. He trains others to be their own teacher, to access spiritual states and to overcome blocks. In addition to sessions and classes Colby offers FREE weekly INSTANT HEALINGS through his website: www.HealThroughSpirit.com
Official Website: http://www.HealThroughSpirit.com
Added by FullCalendar on January 16, 2011