8725 NE Broadway Street
Portland, Oregon 97220

Please mark your calendars and spread the word, "Replete We Fly" has set the date for their next Annual Healing Arts Event!
We are a group who has been working diligently for over a year now, developing a new non-profit healing arts presence in the Portland area for the purpose of educating others in the many alternative ways of healing and maintaining health.
We will have our Free Autumnal Equinox Global Sound Ceremony on September 22nd from 7 to 8 pm and our "2nd Annual Rainbow Awareness Healing Fair and Fund Raiser" starting at 10 am on Saturday the 23rd and going until dusk.
The pace and excitement around the planning of this event is gaining momentum as we have gathered much support and media coverage
~ There will be representatives from a wide array of Alternative Healing Practices (including energy workers, body workers, chiropractors, acupuncturists, hypnotherapists, naturopaths and a variety of readers, and the list goes on). They will be on hand to demonstrate their crafts and educate you about their specific work. If you are interested in having a space we are still looking to add: Herbalists; DNA Activation; Some Energy Workers; Reflexologists, Organic Growers and Environmentalists, so contact Sharon or Tom. We have our quota of readers and massage therapists, however.
~ We will have entertainment throughout the day from our gifted Harpist, Shawndeya, Tom Lange with his Didjeridoo magic and others.
~ There will be raffles/silent auctions for fabulous gifts from our generous patrons, including Jambo World Crafts, Mirador, Xocolatl (Chocolate truffles) Signature imports, Heron Dance limited edition waterccolor art, and many others...
~ Folks will be conducting special lectures and private sessions
~ Refreshments will be provided
~ And lots of fun while learning how to maintain a healthful quality of life
~ All this and more for an all inclusive price of $11!
So please contact Judie: j_maron@msn.com or 503-288-8369; Sharon: sharon sananda@yahoo.com or503-701-7687; Tom: at tommy5677@gmail.com or 971-221-7845; or visit our event website: rainbow.healing.com, for more information and to purchase tickets. Tickets are also available at New Renaissance Bookstore, Jambo World Crafts on Hawthorne, and Healing Waters & Sacred Spaces.

Official Website: http://rainbow.healing.com

Added by judiemaron on July 5, 2006

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