433 Marcus Garvey Blvd
Brooklyn, New York 11216

Taking a page from our annual Spoken Word - Lost Element of Hip Hop Event, we are launching a monthly concert series of similar nature.This concert series is geared to benefit artists who we feel are radio and media ready, yet don’t have that major deal or commercial exposure due to the industry's current state. We are holding it along our parade route (which is 40 blocks long) at a space by the name of Brown Sugar Club 433 Marcus Garvey Blvd Brooklyn, NY 11216

This Month Our Concert Series Will Feature The Artist;
1) Co-C
2) WordSpit
3) Poetic RockStar
4) HUL
5) Ekko
6) Chenzira
7) Proper
8) Tylibah

We will have an open mic list available for artist that are not featured so they can also Get there Time to Shine.Each artist that signs up for the Open mic will recieve 5 mins to perform.

We ask every Artist to have Clean (NO CURSES or USE OF THE N WORD) versions of artists material -performance ready CD, Obsessive cursing or use of the N word will end your performance prematurely.

Admission is Free.

The Dress Code is Casual But Neat.

Doors Open at 8pm.

The Open Mic List is First Come First Serve so get there Early.

The Universal Hip Hop Parade Organization for Social Justice was founded in 1999 and our goal is similar to Marcus Garvey's, the upliftment of minority institutions. For more general info on the Universal Hip Hop parade Organization for Social Justice => http://bit.ly/WhatIsTheUHHP

For More info Please contact:
UHHP 2010 CoChairs
MIKE HollyWood @ 347-845-4641 And Louis Plot Sosa @ 914-733-5173
MySpace: www.myspace.com/universalhiphopparade
Twitter: www.twitter.com/UHHP
Facebook: www.facebook.com/universalhiphopparde
Email: universalhiphopparade@yahoo.com

Added by universalhiphopparade on January 28, 2010