"Students Organizing for Labor & Economic Equality (SOLE) presents, as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium:

Reflections on the League of Revolutionary Black Workers
Wednesday January 28th, 7:00 p.m.
Angell Hall Auditorium D
email sole.maintain@umich.edu for more information
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This event will feature a screening of the film "FINALLY GOT THE NEWS" (1970) a film about the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, produced by Stewart Bird, Rene Lichtman and Peter Gessner, in association with the League of Revolutionary Black Workers.

The panel includes General Gordon Baker, the founder of the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement and founder of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, Marion Kramer, a human rights activist, the co-chair of the National Welfare Rights Organization, and also a member of the LRBW, and Elena Herrada, a labor and social activist as well as co-producer of a documentary about the forced repatriation of tens of thousands of Mexican American Detroit residents between 1929 and 1939."
more info

Added by robg3 on January 23, 2004

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