Michelle Tea presents the RADAR Salon reading series at the Eureka Valley branch of the San Francisco Public Library.
This month's readers are two San Francisco authors:
Peter Plate, author of several novels including Black Wheel of Anger (1990), Darkness Throws Down the Sun Factory (1991), The Romance of the American Living Room (1993), One Foot Off the Gutter (1995), Snitch Factory (1997), Fogtown (2004) and And Soon the Rest Will Fall (2006).
Stephen Elliott, author of six books including My Girlfriend Comes To The CIty And Beats Me Up (2006) and the political memoir Looking Forward To It: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The American Electoral Process (2004). He is also the founder of the Progressive Reading Series and the Executive Director of LitPAC.
Added by MarkPritchard on December 6, 2006