Civic Center
San Francisco, California 94102

the RADAR reading series
a showcase of underground literary superstars


In the Latino Reading Room in the basement of the SF Public Library main branch.


from Seattle, REBECCA BROWN, author of twelve books of prose including her debut The Haunted House, recently reissued by City Lights, The Last Time I Saw You, The End of Youth, The Dogs: A Modern Bestiary, The Terrible Girls, Excerpts From a Family Medical Dictionary, The Gifts of the Body, and Woman in Ill Fitting Wig, a collaboration with painter Nancy Kiefer; whose work is translated into Japanese, Geman, Danish, Italian, and Norwegian; who is the Creative Director at Centrum in Port Townsend, Washington, and teaches in the MFA program at Goddard College in Vermont.

LUCY CORIN, whose novel Everyday Psychokillers: A History for Girls was published by FC2, annd whose short story colelction, The Entire Predicament, is published this month by Tin House Books. She teaches at the University of California at Davis.

from New York City, fiction writer and feminist critic MASHA TUPITSYN, former Assistant
Literary Editor at BOMB Magazine; whose fiction and criticism have been published or is forthcoming in the anthology Wreckage of Reason: XXperimental Women Writers Writing in the 21st Century, Make/Shift, Bookforum, Fence, Five Fingers Review, NYFA Current, Unpleasant EventSchedule, How2, Me Three, Nth Position, and Legible; and who is the author of Beauty Talk & Monsters, a collection of film-based stories published this year on Semiotext(e) Press.

from Baltimore, RIC ROYER, organizer of the Transmodern Performance Festival ( ) and a performer with the Performance Thanatology ResearchSociety; whose theatre piece, "Hystery of Heat", played at the Ontological-Hysteric Theatre in New York, The D.C. Arts Center in Washington D.C, and the Maryland Institue for Contemporary Art; who is a founding editor of Ferrum Wheel; and whose poems, performance pieces, essays and reviews have appeared in publications such as Lost and Found Times, Plantarchy, Xtant, Performance Research Journal, Peek Review and Pataphysica. Many of his words on works can be found on his website:

Q + A session following performance.

special guest host SARA SEINBERG will bake cookies and faciliatate conversation.

RADAR is made possible by the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library, the James C Hormel Center, the San Francisco Arts Commission, and Grants for the Arts.

Added by MarkPritchard on October 13, 2007

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