4900 South Syracuse
Denver, Colorado 80237

Rachel’s Challenge Summit conceived to help educators establish a culture of kindness and compassion for our youth

Denver, Colo. --- High profile educators and inspirational speakers will share their knowledge and passion with teachers, administrators and others working in positions of leadership with youth during Rachel’s Challenge Summit June 23-26, 2010. The event will be held at the Denver Marriott Tech Center.

Founded after the death of Rachel Joy Scott in the Columbine shooting, Rachel’s Challenge works to create a permanent cultural change of compassion and caring in schools around the world. The Summit was conceived to give front-line educators the tools to establish a positive and respectful environment for the children and teens they influence daily. The Summit will cover several topics, including Making a Difference, The Antidote to Violence, Teaching Through Adversity and New Approaches for Hard to Reach Youth. Speakers include:

• Cor Suijk, CEO Emeritus of the Anne Frank House, activist, educator and Holocaust survivor.
• Deborah Phelps, middle school principal, author and mother of gold-medalist Michael Phelps.
• Ron Clark, Disney’s American Teacher of the Year in 2000, Oprah Winfrey’s first “Phenomenal Man” and subject of the Ron Clark Story, starring Mathew Perry.
• Darrell Scott, founder of Rachel’s Challenge.

Founded in 2001 by Darrell and Sandy Scott, Rachel’s Challenge is a 501c3 non-profit organization with the mission to inspire, equip and empower every person to create a permanent, positive, cultural change in their schools, businesses and communities by starting a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. The Rachel’s Challenge program is experienced live by more than 1.3 people annually and has touched lives in all 50 states, Canada and around the world. Presenters, including Darrell and Craig Scott, have traveled throughout the U.S. and the world presenting their well-received and effective program. You can learn about initiating Rachel’s Challenge by visiting www.rachelschallenge.org. For more information on the Summit, visit www.rachelschallengesummit.org.

Official Website: http://www.rachelschallengesummit.org/

Added by laurageorgemktg on April 23, 2010