Local and regional musicians will perform traditional folk music common to America in a continuous series of concerts throughout the day on one main stage beginning at noon. This year there will be a fiddle contest in the afternoon and a square dance to end the festivities. Everybody is welcome to dance - no experience necessary. All dances will be taught on the spot. The dance will run from approximately 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm. In addition to excellent music and historical exhibits, there will be kite flying and other activities for children. Food, refreshments, CDs from the performers, and festival t-shirts will be available for purchase. And as always, musicians are encouraged to bring their instruments. Spontaneous jamming is strongly encouraged. Admission is $6 for teens and adults, $3 for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under 5 years old. Tickets will be available at the gate on the day of the festival. Bring lawn chairs and blankets! If it rains, the event will take place inside, so don’t let any wet weather scare you away!
Official Website: http://www.raccooncountymusicfestival.com/
Added by dale.walter on June 9, 2008
OK, fine, but don't miss Parade the Circle.