- Who: Rabbit Advocates, a group devoted to the welfare of domestic rabbits.
- What: Outreach to chat with visitors about adopting adorable, lovable rabbits as companion pets to inside homes. RABBITS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! All adoptable rabbits are spayed and neutered. Free tips and educational materials on caring for and enjoying house rabbits! We also will offer nail trims and light grooming for pet rabbits that the public brings to us (donation appreciated).
Note: People bringing rabbits for grooming and nail trims should bring their own clean bath towels and, if possible, their own grooming tools. Suggested donation: $5 - $10 per rabbit.
- When: 2009 Second Saturday of the month from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. Dates: Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12
- Where: Western Pet Supply, 6908 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway, Beaverton, OR, 97225 (503) 297-6644
- Cost: Free (donations appreciated for nail trims/grooming; suggested donation: $5 - $10 per rabbit.)
- Info: http://rabbitadvocates.org/outreach/OutreachOverview.html (503) 617-1625
- More adoptable rabbits at: http://rabbitadvocates.org/foster.html
- Flyers: http://rabbitadvocates.org/images/OutreachFlyer.gif
Official Website: http://www.adoptarabbit.org/
Added by eolson on August 6, 2008
Rabbit Advocates Outreaches are on the second Saturday of the month through 2008 at Western Pet Supply from Noon to 3pm!